Sunday, 7 May 2017

Zeal and Ardor

This was a show I was quite impatiently waiting for. I had only heard about this because three shades of black promoted this and I checked the band out. At that point there are only three songs publicly available but they already blew me away. It was something never heard before.

Zeal and Ardor is one guy, Manuel, who is half swiss, half afro american. He was working as a DJ and got as a challenge a mash up of black metal and "nigger music" as it was called in the challenge. what he made with it is amazing. It's slave music, chants and working songs, that were sung on the fields. And he combines this with driving, quite straight forward black metal. amazing.

the main theme is about slaves who are working on the fields. after years of praying to god, they see that he does not help them so they turn to the devil for solace and for relief from their pain and oppression. the songs have so much soul, they have a amazing feeling to them. and then there are the devil's screams, the dark and satanic side to this music.. wow!

the show happened in ilion plus and the place was packed. it was awesome to see that many greeks have heard about this amazing music. this is something quite unique and i think this man is the only one in the world who plays this kind of music. what a thrill! it truly was an experience that i will never forget.

the above picture is my own from the show. the second guy on vocals was fantastic, too and the band seems to really feel it and form a unity. mind-blowing evening.

devil is fine - he go by many names
devil is kind - we gonna go home to the flames

- Daedin

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