Saturday, 14 January 2017

Mgła - The Dead Creed

New year and finally new concerts!! I was not planning to go to this one and decided it last minute. Very good decision, that one! There were four bands on the bill tonight and I was interested in three of them.

First of all The Dead Creed, whom I had seen before already. This was one of the main reasons why I went, actually. I bought his t-shirt now and got a sticker :) So happy, because I kind of regretted not having bought the shirt last time. The place was already filling up when he performed and there was enough enthusiasm. Very nice! The kind of music that can get you into an almost trancelike state..

Next up was Temple of Evil. Quite traditional occult black metal. The band sported corpsepaint and flowing robes. I did like some of the riffs and mood of the songs. But the intros were so different and should have set the ambience for this band, but their style was anyway too brutal for this kind of obscure atmosphere. Too bad, they show a lot of potential.

Next band was the main band for me, polish Mgła. They were superb. They play an awesome style mix, black metal for sure, but with so much self-destructive energy, darkness, self-hate, and still powerful, screaming their pain out into the world.. brilliant. They wear always their masks to hide the faces and this creates even a more impressive picture, of four faceless figures, in their torment, voicing their disappointment. I really fell in love with them and I need to listen to their back catalogue now.

After Mgła there would have been Akercocke, but I left before they came on. The place was sold out and we were all sardines, and then I had already gotten the band I wanted, Akercocke is melodic death metal and not really my cup of tea. So I left with great memories, lots of headbanging, two posters and a good start into the new black metal year!

And there is despair underneath each and every action,
each and every attempt to pierce the armour of numbness

- Daedin

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