Monday, 19 September 2016

Grá - Serpent Noir

Another great black metal evening. I didn't expect that much, but actually it was one of the best shows this year!

When I arrived at Kyttaro the greek band "Serpent Noir" were playing. They play very enjoyable black metal with occult touches. This was a promising start into the night.

After a little delay, finally Grá came on stage, sporting a complete white make up. So not the usual black metal corpsepaint with black highlights, just pure white. Very impressive on a dark stage when their faces are lit up now and then. The greek audience needed only one song to get into the mood and start being really active. What a joy to see!

There could have been just a little bit more people tonight and I was afraid that there would be a lack of enthusiasm, but this fear was swiped away immediately. Grá features on vocals Heljarmaðr who also sings for Dark Funeral. Of course his main band will attract people, but Grá definitely deserves it.

(following two pics from Facebook friends, the last is my own)

Grá are doom influenced black metal with a lot of references to death but also occultism. The show was spiced up with a satanic (?) bible that Heljarmaðr showed us pages of, later ripping them out and handing them to the people. The show also featured some nooses, that were used for dramatic effect and also were handed to the people afterwards! Very cool scenes there..

I want to also point out that their mini tour with some 7 or 8 shows around Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece was printed on an extra shirt and shirts were only 5 euro. woah nice! ok, maybe they didn't want to carry them home to Sweden, understandable, but still! I got their CD and the tour shirt and was overwhelmed with joy, haha!

A great evening thus, with a band that I had only once listened to previously, deemed it good and then got surprised so much! Also Grá named the tour "A coin for Charon" and I loved it how he pointed out that finally Charon is coming back to where he belongs to, to this ancient country we are fortunate to live in. 

Jag står nu mitt i elden, med ett leende, medan världen runt omkring mig tystnar. 

- Daedin

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